Aluminium Windows

Welcoming a breath of fresh design, aluminium windows are quickly rising to prominence in London’s contemporary architectural landscape.


At Fittra, we’re here to offer you the best aluminium windows in London, perfectly fusing functionality with aesthetics.

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Why Pick Aluminium for Windows?

Aluminium windows are the smart choice for London homeowners.


Firstly is their longevity. Their remarkable strength and durability ensure long-lasting performance, confidently standing up to the elements.


On top of this, their striking aesthetics blend seamlessly into any home design, from traditional to ultra-modern.


It doesn’t stop there, either. For energy-conscious homeowners in north, east, south, west, and central London, aluminium’s excellent thermal efficiency delivers comfort and energy savings.


And last but certainly not least, these windows are low-maintenance and environmentally friendly thanks to their recyclability and longevity.


All these factors make aluminium windows in London a wise, future-proof investment.

Types of Aluminium Windows

Casement Windows

Casement Windows

A classic UK staple, these windows open outwards, hinged at the side. Their slim frames maximise natural light, perfect for those gloomy London days.

Sash Windows

Sash Windows

Mixing old and new, aluminium sash windows maintain the charm of traditional timber frames but with added durability and thermal efficiency.

Tilt and Turn Windows

Tilt and Turn Windows

These windows offer versatile ventilation options and can open fully or tilt inwards for a gentle breeze.

Bifold Windows

Bifold Windows

Popular in modern open-plan homes, these windows fold away to merge indoors and outdoors seamlessly. Ideal for London summers.

Bay Windows

Bay Windows

These windows create charming alcoves and flood rooms with light while retaining your home’s heat.

Fixed Frame Windows

Fixed Frame Windows

These windows offer uninterrupted views and are the go-to for high-rise London flats or loft conversions.

How Does Aluminium Compare to Other Materials?

When exploring window options, aluminium windows in London offer an outstanding balance between cost-effectiveness and superior performance.


Let’s compare aluminium with other popular materials like uPVC, Wood, and Metal:







Aluminium windows A cost-effective solution in the long run due to durability
Aluminium windows Excellent, with virtually no maintenance
Aluminium windows Sleek, modern aesthetics with a wide range of finishes
Aluminium windows Excellent thermal performance with thermal break technology


uPVC Windows Less expensive upfront
uPVC Windows Good, though not as durable as aluminium
uPVC Windows Limited aesthetic options
uPVC Windows Good insulation
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Wood Windows Costly, especially high-quality varieties
Durability Requires regular maintenance
Durability Natural, traditional look
Durability Good thermal performance, dependent on quality
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Metal Windows Other metals like steel can be expensive
Metal Windows Good, though susceptible to corrosion
Metal Windows Clean, contemporary look, limited aesthetic options
Metal Windows Varies, often less effective than aluminium
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Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact

In the ever-evolving construction world, aluminium windows are carving out a reputation for their excellent energy-saving capabilities.


As aluminium windows installers in London, we at Fittra are committed to promoting sustainable building practices.


One way is through aluminium windows. These windows are crafted with a thermal break, a barrier in the window frame that minimises heat transfer, enhancing thermal efficiency. 


This, in turn, reduces reliance on artificial heating and cooling, saving energy and reducing carbon footprints.


But it’s not just about the here and now. Aluminium is 100% recyclable without losing any of its original properties. So, even after your windows reach the end of their lifespan, they can be turned into something new.


Combining thermal efficiency with recycling potential, aluminium windows don’t just elevate your home’s aesthetics; they contribute to a healthier, more sustainable planet.

Installation and Replacement Considerations

Whether for a new build or a window replacement, aluminium windows are an excellent choice. At Fittra, we understand that the installation process can be as necessary as the windows.


Fitting aluminium windows requires precision and expertise. From measuring the dimensions accurately to ensuring a weather-tight fit, our team delivers excellence.


Retrofitting with aluminium can be a game-changer for homeowners looking to replace their existing windows. It modernises the aesthetic, improves thermal efficiency, and boosts property value.


Concerned about the cost of aluminium windows in London?


While aluminium may have a higher upfront cost than uPVC, it’s durability and low maintenance make them a cost-effective choice in the long run.


Therefore, opting for aluminium is not merely about choosing a window; it’s about embracing a seamless blend of style, efficiency, and longevity.

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Interested in aluminium Windows?


Why Work With US

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at all stages

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with project manager

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liability insurance

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of works

Integrated, In-house Team Will Work On Your Project

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Benefits from our trade discounts
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£5M public & products liability
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10% only deposit payments
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Detailed cost breakdown

In the End You Will Get




Our Projects

Do you have questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main benefits of choosing aluminium for windows?

Aluminium windows offer many benefits, from high durability and low maintenance to exceptional thermal performance. They’re also fully recyclable, making them a sustainable choice. At Fittra, we recommend aluminium windows for their sleek aesthetics, ideal for modern London properties.

Can aluminium windows be customised to fit my specific design needs?

Absolutely! Aluminium windows can be tailored to meet a variety of design requirements. Whether you’re looking for a specific colour, shape, or size, as an expert aluminium window supplier, Fittra can facilitate your custom needs to ensure your windows complement your home’s unique style.

Are aluminium windows energy-efficient? How do they contribute to insulation?

Yes, aluminium windows are notably energy-efficient. They provide excellent insulation, reducing heat loss in winter and keeping your home cooler in summer. Despite slightly higher aluminium window prices, they can save you significant costs on energy bills over the years. Fittra’s aluminium windows incorporate thermal break technology for optimum insulation.

How do I maintain and clean aluminium windows to ensure longevity?

Maintaining aluminium windows is simple. Regular cleaning with a mild detergent and water is usually sufficient to keep them looking fresh. When searching for aluminium windows in London, choose Fittra for the highest quality. 

Is there a warranty on aluminium windows, and what does it typically cover?

Most aluminium window manufacturers in the UK offer warranties on their aluminium windows. This warranty typically covers the window frame, glass, and hardware components against defects in material and workmanship. 


For Londoners seeking robust aluminium windows, Fittra offers a comprehensive warranty and post-installation support for peace of mind.

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Mon-Fr: 8.00 am – 5.00 pm
Sat: 8.00 am – 1.30 pm




Park Parade Gunnersbury Avenue, W3 9BD



02082 438568

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